import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import com.tmax.tibero.*;
DML/DDL for this test:
create table TIBERO.TB_USER (id number, name varchar(50));
insert into tibero.tb_user values (01, 'Name 01');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (02, 'Name 02');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (03, 'Name 03');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (04, 'Name 04');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (05, 'Name 05');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (06, 'Name 06');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (07, 'Name 07');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (08, 'Name 08');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (09, 'Name 09');
insert into tibero.tb_user values (10, 'Name 10');
create or replace package TIBERO.JAVA_REFCURSOR
type myrctype is ref cursor return TIBERO.TB_USER%ROWTYPE;
function JOB_LISTING return myrctype;
end java_refcursor;
create or replace package body TIBERO.JAVA_REFCURSOR as
function JOB_LISTING return myrctype
rc myrctype;
open rc for select * from TIBERO.TB_USER;
return rc;
end java_refcursor;
Compiling Java test program: (Copy Tibero JDBC driver (tibero6-jdbc.jar) here before to compile)
javac -g -verbose -classpath .\tibero6-jdbc.jar RefCursorExample.java
Executing Java test program:
java -cp .\tibero6-jdbc.jar; RefCursorExample
public class RefCursorExample
public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException
// Load the driver
DriverManager.registerDriver(new com.tmax.tibero.jdbc.TbDriver());
// Connect to the database
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:tibero:thin:@", "TIBERO", "tmax");
// Prepare a PSM call
CallableStatement call = conn.prepareCall ("{ ? = call java_refcursor.job_listing }");
// Get the result set
call.registerOutParameter (1, TbTypes.CURSOR);
call.execute ();
ResultSet rset = (ResultSet)call.getObject(1);
// Dump the cursor
while (rset.next ())
System.out.println(rset.getString ("ID") + " - " + rset.getString ("NAME"));
// Close all the resources